The Peace Pagoda in Japantown

Delicious Ways to Explore Japantown


San Francisco is full of unique neighborhoods to explore. Japantown 该地区是否人口密集,城市设计有些奇怪,很难找到最好的宝石. 但作为你的目的地专家,我们会帮你找到他们!


Udon Mugizo

1581 Webster St.

To start your foray into noodles, try the udon at Udon Mugizo. 这是镇上少数几个专门做手工乌冬面的地方之一, as opposed to the more widely known ramen. Some diners opt for the really rich cream-based sauces, including one made with uni; but the pork broth is light, 平衡, and just rich enough. The generous portions are also a plus. 在AMC歌舞伎电影院看电影之前,这里是一个理想的吃快餐的地方.

Ramen Yamadaya

1728 Buchanan St.

当时有很多的嗡嗡声当南加州总部 Ramen Yamadaya opened a location in San Francisco, and rightfully so. 长时间炖煮的豚骨汤非常有名(一些铁杆粉丝喜欢味道特别浓郁的kotteri)。. 辣拉面是另一种最受欢迎的食物,但经典的山田拉面也不会出错. 当然,买一份茶树,如果你是在晚餐的黄金时间去那里,那就做好等待的准备.

Hinodeya Ramen Bar

1737 Buchanan St.

Ramen aficianados all have their own, strong preferences. For those who prefer lighter, clearer broths, head to Hinodeya. Their seafood-focused menu offers some incredible delights, 包括从广岛飞来的蛤蜊拉面和炸牡蛎. Hinodeya只接受预约,所以你在这个热门景点可能会遇到排队的情况.

Royal Indian Cuisine

1740 Fillmore St.

While you may be in a sea of 日本 establishments, 你还可以在这里找到美味的喜马拉雅和北印度美食 Royal Indian Cuisine. 这里是午餐或晚餐的好去处,有美味的momos和鲜嫩的鸡肉和羊肉咖喱. 友好的工作人员和舒适的环境,你会想要一次又一次地回来. 

Marufuku Ramen

1581 Webster St.

Savvy foodies may have encountered Marufuku Ramen in Austin, 纽约, or other parts of California, but the popular operation began here in San Francisco. At their Japantown location, 你可以享受奶油肉汤和细面条,这让他们声名远扬. Their chashu pork belly is worth the wait.

Daeho Kalbijjim and Beef Soup

1620 Post St.

The must-have dish is right there in the name. 这家韩国餐厅著名的红烧短肋排是由配备喷灯的服务员在你眼前戏剧性地准备好的! Other notable selections from Daeho的 menu include kalbitang, a beef rib soup, and seolleongtang, 有人说,在贝博体彩app度过了一个令人兴奋的夜晚后,牛骨汤是治愈你病痛的完美菜肴.

Nijiya Market

1737 Post St.

日本美食爱好者(或对美食好奇的人)一定会想去的 Nijiya Market 看看所有有趣的日本产品, and pick up some of their freshly packaged sushi, seaweed salad, or even just a package or two of 日本 snacks. 你可以把你的好东西带到附近的和平广场,在人们的注视下享受它们. Nijiya也是一个以低得惊人的价格购买难以找到但实用的厨房工具的好地方. They're the perfect souvenirs for a gourmand.


1700 Polk St.

想要在日本城享受独特的用餐体验,不要再观望了 Yuji. Specializing in the kappo style of 日本 cooking, which uses only the freshest available ingredients, Yuji吸引了贝博体彩app精英食客的注意, as well as the Michelin Guide. 这是一个只有预约的场所,座位不到12个,价格很高(每人150美元以上)。, Yuji may take a good deal of advance planning, but we think it's well worth the wait.


1625 Post St.

因其出色的泰国菜获得米其林一星, 百合 它以优雅的氛围和独一无二的菜肴而闻名吗. Try the squid and pork jowl appetizer; you won't regret it. 厨师Pim Techamuanvivit的其他令人难以置信的作品包括辣椒片炸鲈鱼, curried lamb shanks, and even some delectable vegetable-focused selections.

Tenroku Suhi

1825 Post St.

Looking for dining a little more down to Earth? 参观天禄屋,尽情品尝高品质的寿司. You'll be amazed at the variety! An affordable option that's open late seven days a week, Tenroku is perfect for groups, families, or visitors on a budget.

Blum’s coffee cake at Yasukochi’s Sweet Stop

1790 Sutter St.

Ready for some dessert? The Blum’s coffee cake at Yasukochi’s Sweet Stop has been a San Francisco classic for over fifty years. 层层叠叠的雪纺蛋糕上撒上鲜奶油,然后铺上咖啡脆糖,这是店主Tom Yasukochi从Blum 's的糖果师那里学来的, 这是一家20世纪五六十年代在贝博体彩app很受欢迎的连锁冷饮店. 这种蛋糕在这家小店里仍然有售,但通常在上午11点前就卖光了.m., so get there early (they open at 10 a.m.)—or plan ahead and order a whole one two days in advance! 他们也有其他的蛋糕,还有有趣的糖果和饼干.

Tyler Cohn headshot
Tyler Cohn

Tyler is the Sr. Manager of Global Content & Communications at San Francisco Travel. 自2015年以来,他一直住在贝博体彩app,并在贝博体彩app旅游团队工作了很长时间. 他同样喜欢引人注目的制作数字和户外体育赛事, 这意味着你通常可以在贝博体彩app众多伟大的剧院或甲骨文公园找到他, cheering on the Giants. 
